2 – Master Glasser Series: DVD


Introducing the Master Glasser Series, the second installment in the Master Series on surfboard design and construction, where expert Brucker shares his 40+ years of industry experience to guide you through the glassing process from start to finish. This comprehensive video addresses common challenges and techniques for both beginners and seasoned pros, ensuring your glass job is both functional and visually stunning.


Introducing the Master Glasser Series, the highly anticipated second installment in the Master Series dedicated to surfboard design, construction, and theory. This comprehensive video is crafted to address the most common questions and challenges encountered during the glassing process, drawing insights from popular online surf forums and a wealth of viewer inquiries received after the release of the Master Shaper Series.

Join the esteemed Brucker as he expertly guides you through the entire glassing process, from preparation to finish. This series showcases a variety of techniques tailored for both novice glassers eager to get started and seasoned professionals looking to elevate their production quality. With over 40 years of industry experience, Brucker shares invaluable old-school tricks and techniques that have stood the test of time, ensuring that your glass job is not only functional but also visually striking.

Whether you’re looking to finish your freshly shaped blank or simply want to enhance your glassing skills, the Master Glasser Series is your ultimate resource. Prepare to gain the confidence and knowledge needed to achieve stunning results in your surfboard glassing endeavors!


  1. Tools, Materials, and Safety
  2. Glassing Techniques
    • Both Modern and Classic Style Glassing
    • Freelaps and Cutlaps
    • Deck Patches
    • Deck Inlays (Cloth, Resin)
    • Resin Panels
    • Resin Abstracts (e.g., “Acid Splash,” “Ice Cream Swirl”)
    • Hotcoating
    • Finbox Installation
  3. Sanding
  4. Artwork Techniques
    • Resin Manipulation
    • Acrylic Abstracts
    • Foam Sprays
    • “Speed” Sprays
    • Resin Tints
    • Pinlines (Resin, Acrylic, Ink)
  5. Finishing Touches
    • Glossing
    • Polishing


“This video is fantastic. Roger Brucker lets you in on his secrets and shows you the mastery of the craft. This is by no means just on the basics, but covers everything anyone doing boards as a hobby could hope for.”

“I’ve been through my copy 2x now, in some places more. Lots of good info and technique in this latest addition to the Damascus Lost Art Series. This is top-notch stuff that Damascus is putting out there. Great input from guys that have spent decades perfecting their craft. If you think you can’t afford this information as a budding board builder, then I would challenge you to try to put down a tapeline for your first resin pinline (much less a back-to-back two color) and see how much sandpaper, tape, and pigment it would take to get it right.”

“Great stuff, guys! Been through the DVD a few times now. Pick up something new on each pass. Thanks for taking the mystery out of glassing; it’s been a real help.”

“Top notch. Keep it up.”

“Got my copy of the Master Glasser on Friday and I’ve been through it once since then. Without a doubt, if you are interested in making surfboards, both modern and classics, you NEED this program. Roger Brucker shares his lifelong experience and tips on handling the squeegee, sander, and tape roll. He gives a very concise walkthrough on doing basic laminations (Silane and Volan), the elusive rail lap with variations on wetting laps, free lap, cut lap, and all of those in-between steps that other videos seem to ‘miss.’ You want to know about hotcoating? It’s all here; he even repeats it for you in case you missed it the first time. Sanding is covered very well, as is a detailed section on how to tape off for each step of the board building process. There is an incredible amount of information in this program, including lamination, hotcoat, sanding, taping, retro techniques including swirls, splashes, resin pinlines, resin panels (with some very unique twists), inkline detailing, finbox installation, cloth inlays, glossing, and polishing.”

“Fluff-free glassing instruction… PRICELESS!”

“I am a newbie; I just shaped my first blank and had nowhere to turn. Thanks a lot; my new home-built board rides GREAT!!”

Additional information


Roger "Cleanlines" Brucker